Sunday, September 11, 2005

As Israel's last soldiers leave Gaza...

Sep. 12, 2005 3:23 Updated Sep. 12, 2005 4:39
By Associated Press

As the last IDF soldiers were heading outside the Gaza Strip early Monday morning, thousands of celebrating Palestinians took to the streets and made their way to the abandoned Jewish settlements.

In Neveh Dekalim – formerly Gush Katif's urban center – armed Palestinians chanting “God is Great” surrounded an abandoned synagogue while a youth planted a Fatah flag on the roof.

Palestinian Interior Ministry spokesman Tawfiq Abu Khoussa addressed the crowd with a concilatory message: “Just as there are many mosques inside Israel, we will show that as Palestinians, we respect the holy places of all religions. The synagogues in liberated Gaza will remain standing as a testament to Palestinian restraint and political maturity.”

Just kidding!

Here's the actual AP story:

“As the last IDF soldiers were heading outside the Gaza Strip early Monday morning, thousands of celebrating Palestinians took to the streets and made there way to the abandoned Jewish settlements.

In Neveh Dekalim – formerly Gush Katif's urban center – Palestinians set fire to what was just last month a yeshiva.

Gunman from several Palestinian factions stormed through the settlement. One group planted a flag from the ruling Fatah movement on the roof of the yeshiva, while others set a fire inside.

Flames also shot skyward from the synagogue building in the isolated settlement of Morag in southern Gaza…”


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