Sunday, July 24, 2005

A Little Ranting

Things that annoy me:

Just because I yawn doesn’t mean I’m tired or bored—it means I yawned. Nothing more, nothing less. Don’t read so much into it.
Some people that know me are aware of my interest in current events. After the 7/7 suicide bombings in London, a couple of people said, “Hey, what do ya think about those bombings in London?”

Well, I’d give the bombers an 8 on planning but only a 7 and a half on execution … What the f*&ck do you think I think about the London bombings?! They were terrible, horrible. Sheesh.

DJ’s. No, not real DJ’s on the radio—although some of them are annoying—but all the wannabe DJ’s that have crawled out of the woodwork in the last couple of years. Everywhere I look, flyers are advertising DJ’s who will be “spinning” their oh-so vast collection of obscure tunes and songs you probably never heard. But have no fear, because“DJ Portentous”—obscure-music sleuth that he is—is much cooler than you, and he knows all the cool music. He’ll show off his vast music knowledge and you will be enlightened. You better just sit back and let “DJ Pompous” play you some cool music, man.

Oh, and then they stand behind the turntables, flipping switches and turning knobs with one hand and holding the headphones to their head with the other, trying to look important, as if what they are doing is so complicated.

Perhaps the only thing worse than the DJ’s are the DJ groupies; the girls who are unduly impressed with the guys whose claim to “fame” is not making music, but merely playing others’ music. Wow. Impressive.

Cell phones at the gym while working out. ‘Nuff said.


Stupid bumper stickers, like, “Abortion Stops A Beating Heart.” No shit, Sherlock, that’s sort of the idea, innit? Or, “Attack Iraq? No!” Umm, attack Iraq? Too late, jackass. “Racism is NOT a family value.” Well, if you’re from a racist family, I guess racism would be a family value. “Commit Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty.” Watch out, I’m about to vomit.

Anyway … it is HOT out. I already worked out and took a cold shower, yet I’m all sweaty and sticky again. I reckon I’ll be taking a lot of cold showers today. Okay, I’m going to try to find the motivation to do something. Bye for now.


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