Sunday, July 31, 2005

Pit Bulls-Yikes!

I don’t like pit bulls. Yeah, I know that some are nice, but I don’t really care. Generally, those dogs scare me. Even the nice ones seem menacing. And they are dangerous. And they scare my dog, too. Then again, my dog was frightened by a wiener dog earlier today, so I suppose that’s not saying much…

And pit bull owners—who the hell do these guys think they are? It seems like the pit bull owner is the human equivalent of his pet: tough, mean, and dangerous (and often ugly). “Wow, that guy’s so tough, even his dog is tough too!”

Do tough guys really need tough dogs? If anybody needs a tough dog, it’s little old ladies. But little old ladies almost always own fragile little lap dogs. Then again, it’s hard to imagine a tough guy walking down the street with a little pug, chihuahua, or Pekingese. But that would be a site to behold—would it not?


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