Tuesday, September 13, 2005

First Clients Yesterday!

Yesterday marked my first day of personal training. I thought I had a client last week, but it was a mistake. I had two clients yesterday, and then “prospected” the third. It’s the third whom I think will end up purchasing PT sessions.

So far, this is a pretty cool job. So cool, in fact, that it doesn’t feel like working. There is no reading, writing, phone talking or paper pushing. An interesting aspect of the job is the sociological, or shall I say psychological, aspect to it. Before starting a workout, we go through a questionnaire with the client. We ask questions designed to find out about their lifestyle, workout goals, etc. People proffer up some very intimidate details during this process. Then, once we’re going through the workout, we chit-chat, in addition to talking about exercise. The result is that you get to know the person fairly well.

Of my three clients, I had a 21 year old female, a 24 year old male, and 23 year old male. The first two were slightly overweight and looking to lose some pounds and tone up their muscles. The last was skinny as a stick and completely out of shape.

I put the first two through intensive dynamic workouts whereby in the span of 15 minutes I had them do exercises to work their entire body while keeping their heart-rates high. The guy in particular was panting like a dog and drenched in sweat by the time we were done. I pushed him to his breaking point.

The skinny dude already had had a first workout (each Bally’s member is entitled to a “first workout” with a PT; the idea is after that we get them to purchase a PT package) and he apparently almost passed out when put through a dynamic. I didn’t see the point of burning calories on a guy who needs calories—and since his goal was to build muscle—I put him through a traditional weight lifting workout, focusing on his chest and biceps (and abs at the end).

I wasn’t surprised at his lack of strength as much as how the left half of his body was significantly weaker than the right, primarily in this chest—I mean, significantly weaker. But, if he buys some sessions, eats right and works out with me, I am confident that we can put some muscle on those bones. I was given permission to schedule another appointment to work him. The logic behind this is that we know he doesn’t know anything about how to achieve his goals, and so we hope one more supervised workout will convince him that he needs to purchase some PT sessions. The truth is, he really needs to do it. Unless he starts buying fitness magazines and immersing himself in exercise, he’ll probably come to the gym and waste his time like so many other people. He won’t see any results, and eventually he’ll stop coming. But a small PT package can at least give him direction so that he can continue his workouts on his own later on.

I’ve had jobs where I had to sell a service, but in the case of this job, I really believe in the product I’m selling.


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