Wednesday, September 28, 2005

"Honor" Murder in Denmarkistan

Hat tip: LGF

Roligt og metodisk skræver storebroderen over sin lillesøster, mens han skyder det ene projektil efter det andet ind i hende. Hendes ægtemand er ramt af flere skud i maven og kan blot se hjælpeløst til, mens hans kone henrettes af sin egen familie.

(rough translation)
Calm and methodically big brother stoops over his little sister while shooting one projectile after the other into her. Her spouse, affected by several shots to the abdomen, can only look on helplessly, while his wife is executed by her own family.

Well, murder is against the law in Denmark... but then again, honor killing is a cultural phenomenon and we are a multi-cultural society... who are we to foist our Western values on the other?

/Hand wringing multi-culturalist

Wake-up Europeans.


Blogger airforcewife said...

Oh God. That just leaves me so disgusted and speechless.

6:40 AM  
Blogger semite1973 said...

I know, but if you can get over your disgust, I'd like to let you know that there's a really great website where you can get nice wedding gifts and the like. Check it out! There's a link in the first posting above.

8:45 AM  

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