1. To meet a Latina who isn't named "Maria."
2. To meet a Black man who plays hockey.
3. To meet somebody who is "scared fucking shitless of God." I mean, we always hear about this whole "God fearing" thing. Is that what God wants, for us to be afraid of Him? Does God want people cowering under the covers shivering out of fear of Him? Does that make God happy? And what does that say about God? If I was all powerful and I got my kicks out of scaring the living fucking shit out of mere mortals, wouldn't that make me some sort of perverted, sadistic Being? If that's the nature of God, then He can stick his antropomorphic thumb up His anthropormorphic ass and take a big whiff of his anthropomorphically stinky digit. And if writing this stuff condemns me to hell, then how can it be that I, a mere mortal, have a better sense of humor than God, who I imagine created humor and irony? How can I believe in a God who is decribed in the Holy books as nothing more than a jealous, immature child, albeit one who can destroy civilizations whenever his stupid little sea monkeys (Humanity) don't do what He wants? What kind of a sick fucker is He, assuming man-made scriptures are accurate? No wonder I'm agnostic. I'm not saying I don't believe in a Higher Power, I just don't happen to think this God-thing intended us to act like a bunch of snivilling sycophants.
Hmmm... what to experience this week...
4. My brother doing the dishes and sweeping the floor.
5. Watching an Arab (it's gotta be a Muslim) standup comedian on TV. I mean, you gotta admit that within the Semitic family, the Jews clearly have the better sense of humor. I just looked at a picture the other day on the Internet of an Arab holding aloft a severed head and he was SMILING (the Arab, not the severed head; the severed head didn't look too happy). Ha ha, pretty funny stuff there, Ahmed. Try doing that one on Comedy Central!
To meet a girl who is the same person that I thought I met even after the three month "ga-ga" stage is over, not the "actress" who was on her best behavior. To meet somebody who cares about me as much as I care about her, not somebody who will emotionally turn off and never explain why; only to later throw me enough scraps and hints to make me feel like there was still a chance, to keep my sorry ass hanging on. More specifically, it would be nice to meet the type of person who can actually consider how her selfish actions might affect other people. I suppose somebody who is not completely self-centered and self-serving. I'd like to meet the type of girl who wouldn't lead a guy on who still has strong feelings for her (especially when she is aware of this), only to invite him out to dinner so as to inform him that she got KNOCKED UP by some random dude!
7. I hope this week, or in the future, I'll be a bit more wary about who I date and fall for. I won't allow this last episode to poison my trust in other people, because I know there are truly wonderful people out there, but I will be on guard just a bit more. I suppose that is the only thing I have to be thankful for regarding the pregnant one above; that I've learned to be a little more emotionally guarded, and not believe in "the one" or any other silly romantic ideal. For her, who knows? She happens to be financially broke as far as I know, unmarried and not likely to be; there probably won't be a man to be with her every night of her pregnancy, a man to experience the joy of a baby conceived of love, to rub her belly and be with her every night and on the weekends. She is in the middle of an intense academic program, and she's struggling. It will be harder to succeed while preggers, no? If she flunks out she'll be left with a huge debt and no degree. Just a crying baby in her cramped apartment. Maybe with her beautiful watery blue eyes and tears she'll be able to manipulate another man to help her. Her mom probably won't, because she's a Christian fanatic and probably thinks her daughter is going to hell. Her dad is somewhat of a dead-beat and already has a young kid of his own from a woman he knocked up not too long ago. Runs in the family I reckon. If the father of the child doesn't really step up to the plate, this girl is in for a some tough times. Life's a bitch and she better hope she can avoid post partum depression on top of it all. GOOD LUCK!
4. To forget the above and move on to a bright future! Second semester, here I come!